7th Grade Social Studies

April 2-6
We will complete our unit of study on Eastern Europe.
Introduce Asia
Students will learn about Asia using the five themes of geography

March 25-29
Power and Politics
SS WGGS.12 We will compare rise and fall of governmental systems and political developments across the world.
SS WGGS.19 We will analyze the use of conflict and or diplomacy in global interactions.
Activity: Conflict in History. Create a Google slide Presentation (5 to 6 slides)
Research on Monday- Tuesday ( Notes and resources)
Google Slides on Thursday and possibly Friday ( Create presentation)
Presentations on Monday, April 2.

March 19-23 Testing…. Important moments in history.
Concepts of socialism, communism, and capitalism. (Game on Friday)

March 12-16
We will understand the concept of socialism, communism, and capitalism
Key vocabulary: Socialism , communism, and capitalism.

Textbook: 403-407 – Create flow map . Learning to outline reading material

March 5-9

Objective: Students will learn about the Russian Federation using the five themes of geography
Flag Project
Eastern Europe Flags RUBRIC

Cover (drawn and colored)

Title/header 1 2 3

Neatly drawn and colored 1 2 3

Summary for flag 1 1 2 3 4

Summary for flag 2 1 2 3 4

Summary for flag 3 1 2 3 4

Summary for flag 4 1 2 3 4

Summary for flag 5 1 2 3 4

Summary for flag 6 1 2 3 4

Each summary includes a description of the flag and what the colors stand for or a brief history of the flag.

Works Cited/reference page 1 2 3

Name _____________________________


Total points : 33
February 26- March 3
Students will describe characteristics of countries using the theme of place, location , and culture
Monday: Get out your timeline Share in small Groups Create a Venn Diagram comparing your timeline with a peer.
Tuesday: Passport: Complete 2 countries
We will compare National Anthems ( USA and Russian Federation) Discussion and graphic organizer
Wednesday – Friday:
Introduce Flag Project and go over the rubric with students. Due on Friday

February: 19-23 WINTER BREAK …………………NO SCHOOL…………….SEE YOU NEXT WEEK
February 12-16
Students will gain knowledge and understanding on Eastern Europe/Russia through the five themes of geography.

Objective: Students will understand the history of the Russian Federation and create a timeline
This week we will read and watch a documentary on the history of the Russian Federation. Students will create a timeline of important events.

February 5-9
Monday: Practice Presentations
Tuesday: Presentations today
RUBRIC USED: Jigsaw Presentation

Student has a clear grasp of information. Supporting material is original, logical and relevant. Student demonstrates full knowledge with explanations and elaboration. Speaking outline or note cards are used to support the presentation
10-9 points

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

Main idea is evident, but the organizational structure many need to be strengthened; ideas may not clearly developed or always flow smoothly and the purpose is not clearly stated. Audience has difficulty understanding the presentation because the sequence or information is unclear.

10-9 points

Thursday: Passport:Student will choose countries in Eastern Europe and Russia to fill in two pages of their passport.

Friday: Political Map is DUE

January 29- February 2
Begin Student on Russian Federation using the five themes of geography
Review of vocabulary: Latitude, longitude
Map Skills: Students will complete a map. Rubric is provided for grading. Students will continue to work on the map during the week.
Tuesday:Jigsaw activity: Collaboration
Students will work in a small group reading information on the country and creating some type of presentation to teach the material to their peers.
Finish up and present to the class
Friday: Continue presentations

January 22-26
Finish presentations and present

January 2-16
Monday/Tuesday/Part of Thursday
Students will complete their presentation and present this week.

1. Title slide

2. Landforms

3. Landmarks

4. Culture

5. closing : Reflection most amazing or interesting

6 reference page
Thursday/ Friday
Objectives: We will learn about the Russian Federation through the five themes of geography.


Content Standard G5.0 – The World in Spatial Terms: Students use maps, globes, and other geographic tools and technologies to locate and extrapolate information about people, places, and environments.
Activity: Introduce Unit Sponge: What is a sea? Discussion and answer
Map Skills: Drawing out the Russian Federation and bordering countries. Rubric for grading
Students will begin to practice presentations

January 16-19
Sponge: Passport

Students will work collaboratively with a partner on a project.

Students will choose on country in Europe and complete a presentation giving information about land-forms, landmarks, economics, and culture.

This will be presented to the class next Monday and Tuesday

2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 20182 018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018
Week of December 11-15

Western Europe: Textbook Pages 334-361


Creating a timeline ( pages 342-349)

Finishing political map

TEST on identifying countries and capitals on a map  FRIDAY

Friday: Introduce People , Places, and Cultures (Pages 350-355)



Week of December 3-8

Introduce Western Europe

Create a political map


Week of November 27-December 1

Monday: Biome brochure

Tuesday: GREAT

Thursday: Biome Brochure and map are due

Small group sharing of projects

Friday: Introduce Unit 4: Europe ( Social Studies Textbook)

Essential Questions:

How does geography influence the way people live?

How do governments change?

How do people adapt to their environment?

why do civilizations rise and fall?

How do new ideas change the way people live?


Week of November 20-21

Monday: Great

Tuesday: Working on biome project and map for biome project.

Thematic Map: Biome’s of the country or area that you did your project on.

Wednesday/Thursday/Friday   Happy Thanksgiving


Week of November 13-17

Monday Students will conduct research on a country and its biomes

Students will create a brochure about the biome using their research


Block Day: Continued Research and creating a brochure

Friday: Poster/ Brochure ( continue working on the project)



Week of November 6-9


Objective: Theme / Place

Students will identify biomes around the world and present their information to others.

Monday : Introduction to biomes ( Key vocabulary-biome)


Block Day:

Create a graphic organizer on one country in the world and its BIOMES

No School on FRIDAY…Happy Veteran’s Day

Objective: Students will  be able to describe a biome and an ecosystem

Key Vocabulary: biome , ecosystem, food chain.


Week of October 30-Nov 3

Plate Movement Project: Students are working with a partner doing research on a subtopic of interest and create a presentation.

Monday-Tuesday: Continue research and create presentation

Thursday: Presentation

Friday: GREAT


Week of 25-29

Monday: Professional Development / No school

Tuesday: GREAT program

Block Day: Wed/Thurs

World Map

Students will use the knowledge and skills that they have obtained to create a map of the world.


Continue to work on World Map

Week of 11-15

Theme: Location

Students learned about the attributes of a good map and did a gallery walk to critique maps.

Graphic Organizer: Different types of maps


Week of September 5-8

Tuesday: Great Program

Wednesday – Friday

Students will complete their latitude and longitude search using an atlas and turn it in . Due on Thursday.

We will continue to learn about the attributes of a good map and analyze maps.



Week of August 28-September 1

Theme: Location

Map Skills

This week student’s will continue to learn the attributes of a good map and take notes in our notebooks.

Map Making Skills: Create a world map – Thursday and Friday


Week of August 21 – 25Image result for world gif

This year your Social Studies/Geography Curriculum will include…..

Geography skills: maps, tools, and technologies used to acquire, process, and report information.

Five Themes of Geography: Location,place, region, movement , and the interaction of people and the environment.

Eastern Hemisphere: As study of areas and countries.



5 Themes of Geography: Location
Objective: Students will understand map skills and what a good map needs.
Sponge: List five things that make a good map
              Write down the definition for – Map
Activity: Spend 15 minutes completing your map.
              We will do a gallery walk of all of the PWL maps
              Students will have 3 sticky notes.
              They will need to write down one positive quality and something the person might have missed, change, etc.
              Students will get their map back and make necessary changes on the map.


5 Themes of Geography: Location
Objective: Students will understand map skills, attributes of a good map and be able to create a map.
What did you change on your PWL map and why?
Students will turn in their completed PWL map
Section 1 Location on graphic organizer / Key Vocabulary
Activity: Discussion and filling out the first section of the graphic organizer.
Don’t Forget

Image result for back to school night


Block Day: ( Wed or Thursday)
Key Vocabulary:
Prime meridian, longitude , latitude
Activity: Google slides – introduction of the concepts.
Students will look at the maps at the beginning of the textbook.
Students will draw out a sphere and include PM, Longitude and latitude
Textbook: Chapter 1 Teacher will model and students will then pair read Chapter One/ Pages 15-21
They will then create a map showing latitude and longitude using page 21 as an example.
HOMEWORK……….Map is due at the end of class on Friday


Sponge: How do geographers identify the absolute location of a place?
Review: Which way do lines of latitude run? ( East to West)
               Which way do lines of longitude run? ( North to South)
Continue to work on your Longitude and latitude map and turn it in.
Activity: Using an atlas to find absolute location






Image result for apple gifWelcome to the 2017-2018 School year

Materials needed for class

Two pocket folder, colored pencils/crayons ( Important for the many projects that you child will do this year)

This year your Geography Curriculum will include…..

Geography skills: maps, tools, and technologies used to acquire, process, and report information.

Five Themes of Geography: Location,place, region, movement , and the interaction of people and the environment.

Eastern Hemisphere: As study of areas and countries.




August 21-25

Map Skills : Students will look at and create their own maps as they learn about the qualities of a good map.

Key Vocabulary: Map, direction, key, latitude, longitude, north south, east, west features, scale, chloropleth map.

Materials needed for class

Two pocket folder, colored pencils/crayons ( Important for the many projects that you child will do this year)





May 15-19

The Sahara Desert region

Creating a Thematic map


May 8-12

How many countries in Africa can you name?  ( Pair share and exchange)

Introduce word of the day:

Monday: ethnocentric


Wednesday: nomad




May 1-5

Atlas skills

Creating a poster on a country in Africa

Okavango: Africa’s Wild Oasis ( Video and Quiz)


April 24-28

We will begin our study on Africa

Students will read about Africa based on the five themes of geography and create presentations.

Wednesday: Presentation Day

Friday: We will create a physical map of Africa


APRIL 3 -14


Brochure and Google Slide presentation Project

Students will present to the class on Thursday , APRIL 13

March 27-31


We will complete our Five Themes of Geography flip chart on Sweden. 

We will create a map of Sweden with cities marked by absolute location.
The cities are:
Latitude/Longitude (Absolute Locations)
Stockholm: (capital city) 59°  N, 18°  E
Kiruna: 67°  N, 20° E
Linkoping: 58°  N, 15°  E
Malmo: 55°  N, 13°  E
Umea: 63°  N, 20°  E



You will choose a country in Eastern Europe or Russia and create a Travel Brochure based on the five themes of geography.
You will need to use persuasive text to persuade someone to visit your site.
Make sure that you create an accurate record of the websites that you visit for your works cited section.
There are two links in your Google Classroom to reference.
The first one is a review on how to create a brochure using Google Docs
The second one is a review of the Five Themes of Geography


March 20-24

Monday: Inside outside circle strategy with Flag Book

Flag of Norway project/ due on Friday

Tuesday- Friday

We will go through the five themes of geography on Norway

Wednesday: Flag of Norway continued

Friday: Flag due today


March 13-17

We will study the culture of Russia

Human/ Environment Interaction

Wrapping it up with a summary



March 6-10

Monday: We will continue to work on our Flag Book . Resource your rubric

Tuesday: No Class – Block day

Wednesday: We will finish up our Flag Book. It is due at the end of class.

Thursday: We will understand the concept of socialism, communism, and capitalism.

Key vocabulary and activity

Friday:  We will understand historical information about the beginning of communism. Movie



February 27- March 2

Students will continue to complete their timeline on the history of Russia

We will compare/contrast National Anthems and create a Venn Diagram

Students will create a flag book : Eastern Europe and Russian Federation


February 13-17

Background information on the Russian Federation with discussion

History of Russia: We will discuss, watch a video, and create a time line from 1472 to 1900.

Students will work in pairs to create a timeline of important events, people, architecture and other relevant information.



February 6-10

Continue to work on Jigsaw activity and  Presentations this week


January 30 – February 3

Monday: Introduction to Eastern Europe / Russian Federation

Students will create a map of the Russian Federation and bordering countries. A rubric is provided for their objectives.

Tuesday: Continue to work on the map. Last day in class – Due on Friday 2/3

Wednesday: Eastern/Russian Federation: Jigsaw Activities

Collaboration Groups: Students will focus on a specific area and learn about it. They will then create some type of presentation for the class.

Friday: Turn in Map



January 24-27

Monday: SNOW DAY…uggg

Theme Movement:

Tuesday: Map Skills

Wednesday: Map Skills/ Import and Export video…What is being made in America…

Friday: Test on vocabulary and map skills . Students should have written it in their planner.


January 16-20

Monday: NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King

Tuesday: Family Tree Homework Presentations

Wednesday: Migration articles and discussion


I will learn about climate change, and reflect on how the choices I make in my life affect our planet.  

Wednesday:Complete a note taker that accompanies Bill Nye’s Global Meltdown, a film about how climate change is affecting our world now, as well as potentially the future of our planet



January 10-13

Objective:  We will understand the theme of movement

HOMEWORK PROJECT: Students will create a family tree. DUE JANUARY 17th ( Tuesday)

Do you know about your cultural heritage?


Where does your family originate from?  



We will follow the history of immigration from colonial times to present.  

Film and note taker:


Immigration:  The Triumph of Hope   Quiz included


Define terms associated with migration through text reading and study guide.









Objective: Theme Movement/Region

Students will complete the Story of the Global Pencil Activity and then create a thematic map on the journey of a pencil from start to finish.


Objective: Students will create two thematic maps. Each map will include a tile and a legend.

Activity: Drawing map, research, collecting data, and plotting the information.


Objective: MAP SKILLS: Students will create two thematic maps. Each map will include a title and a legend.

Activity: Drawing map, research, collecting data, and plotting the information.

Example:  Thematic map showing pollen







November 7- 30

Theme: Place

Introduction to landform activities

Create a graphic organizer of landforms.

Create a biome brochure and poster

Google Slide Project:


Students will work with a partner this week conducting research and creating a Google Slide presentation . They will also write a summary paragraph on the knowledge that was acquired on their particular landform. Presentation practice and note cards will be developed. Students will present the final project to the class.


Name__________________________  Partner: __________________Period________

Part 1: Report 5 3 1
Landform Gives the name and definition of the landform, location details, quadrant location, and geologic or climatic causes for landform. The information is logically organized. One element is missing.



Quadrant Location

Geologic or climatic causes for landforms.

Information is not organized well .

Limited information given on landform and required details. Readability or organization is hard to understand.
Economy Includes extensive information on  natural resources and agricultural products of the area.   The information is logically organized. Includes adequate information on natural resources and agricultural products of the area. The information is logically organized. Limited information given on natural resources and agricultural products of the area.Readability or organization is hard to understand.
Climate Includes detailed and accurate information on  average high and low temperatures, precipitation in the area, and long-term climate trends in weather patterns. Includes adequate information on  average high and low temperatures, precipitation in the area, and long-term climate trends in weather patterns. Limited information given on climate requirements.Readability or organization is hard to understand.
Population Includes detailed information and  data about the people who live in the region or area. Data is  neatly organized on a graph. Includes adequate information and  data about the people who live in the region or area. Data is  organized on a graph, but is not accurate or missing information. Limited information on population and/or missing graph. Readability or organization is hard to understand or is not accurate.
Part 2 : Map 5 3 1
Identification Each quadrant is neatly and accurately  marked with the location of the landform. Map is colorful and labeled. Each quadrant is accurately marked with the location of the landform.

Map is not neatly colored or labeled.

Quadrants are not accurately marked, not colored, or not accurately labeled.
Legend A detailed  legend has been developed for the map, and includes a compass rose. An adequate legend has been developed for the map and includes a compass rose. Legend is missing,  does not give accurate information,or  is messy. Compass rose may be missing.
Climate Zones Compare and contrast climate zones where the landforms are located and write a two paragraph  summary on your findings. No more than two spelling or grammatical errors. Compare and contrast climate zones where the landforms are located in a paragraph summary of the findings. No more than three spelling or grammatical errors. The expository essay is not organized, missing information, and or does not compare and contrast climate zones. More than five spelling and grammatical errors.
Part 3 : Presentation 5 3 1
Presence Eye contact with audience 80% of the time. Presenter  shows great enthusiasm in the presentation. Eye contact with the audience at least 50% of the time. Presenter shows some enthusiasm in the presentation. Eye contact is less than 30% of the time. Presenter does not show enthusiasm for the subject matter.
Knowledge of subject Presenter is an expert on the subject matter. It  is clear , obvious and  easily understood by audience.. Knowledge of subject matter is evident. It  is clear , obvious and  easily understood by audience.. Information is not clear, missing, or is not understood by the presenter or audience.
Delivery of subject Delivery of subject is interesting, creative, and concise.

Presentation is balanced in the format and is attractive and organized well.   The presentation last between three to seven minutes long.

Delivery of subject is missing one element. Project is minimally completed, missing important information,or includes many errors.

Presentation is less than three  minutes long.


October 31- November 4


We will complete the reading and answer material on the topic of Place  and turn it in.

Map Skills: Physical Features of the World

Tuesday: Place: Introductions of landforms with a graphic organizer.

Wednesday: Continue and complete graphic organizer on landforms. We will also choose a partner and pick a landform that we will work on for our next project.

Friday: We will go over the rubric that will be used for the project and begin our research.


October 10 -21  Biome study and Brochure Project


October 3-7

Monday: We will finish our discussion on the Pangaea Project ‘

Tuesday: GREAT

Wednesday: Biomes: We will create a graphic organizer on the topic of biomes using a google slide presentation as our guide. We will discuss and research various  biomes  in Nevada and create a brochure.

Thursday: Block No class

Friday: We will continue to work on our biome brochure.



September 26-30

Monday: We finished the five themes of Geography: Theme Place

Overview: How is land attached to the earth?  Tectonic Plates and Movement

Tuesday: GREAT

Wednesday: Pangaea Project and discussion

Thursday: No class

Friday: Landforms


September 19-23

Monday: Finish Atlas Project


Working in groups on identifying features of a map

Wednesday: Working in groups on identifying features of a map

Graphic Organizer – The five themes of Geography

Presentation –             The five themes of Geography

Note taker-                   The five themes of Geography

Pass back quiz from last week and discuss

Thursday: Block day NO CLASS

Friday: Begin Second Theme : Place   Introduction/ Key Vocabulary


September 12-16





Continue on Atlas Project  – Project should be finished and turned in

Reading a Map

FRIDAY: QUIZ: Location  Unit 1


September 6-9

Tuesday:  GREAT program

Wednesday: Continue to work on world map – adding elements of a good map

Review lines of longitude and latitude. Identify the lines on a map.

Activity: Dinosaur Island

Friday: Location: Using an atlas to find and mark cities in the Eastern Hemisphere on a map




August 29-Sept 2


Monday: GREAT Program with Officer Duffy

Tuesday- Friday  Students will continue to work on their world map each day this week

The map will be due on FRIDAY

Theme: Location

Understanding lines of longitude and latitude

Critiquing our PaU-Wa-Lu Maps

Attributes of a good map

Reading Maps.




This year your Geography Curriculum will include…..

Geography skills: maps, tools, and technologies used to acquire, process, and report information.

Five Themes of Geography: Location,place, region, movement , and the interaction of people and the environment.

Eastern Hemisphere: As study of areas and countries.


MATERIALS NEEDED: Colored pencils/crayons, binder for materials, notebook paper, pens/pencils. Classrooms do not supply materials. If you are not able to obtain the necessary materials, please contact the counselors office.


August 15-19

Monday: School Orientation

Everyone matters…..let’s be safe, respectful, and responsible


Classroom syllabus

Classroom rules and procedures

Block Day and Friday

Map Skills : Students will look at and create their own maps as they learn about the qualities of a good map.

Key Vocabulary : Map, direction, key, latitude, longitude, north south, east, west features, scale, chloropleth map.







May 13-20

Students will construct/create a game on one of the regions that they have studied during the second semester.




Assignment: You are a board game manufacturer and have been assigned the task of creating a board game/card game/ puzzle that will help students review what they have learned in social studies during the second semester.


Requirements: Using a file folder or other materials ,create a game that a group of four can play. The game needs to be neat, colorful, interesting, and creative!


  • Gather your materials. We will provide a file folder, colored paper, and dice to use for your game if needed.
  • Create at least 20-25 questions and answers for your game that relates to the region that you studied. The questions must be somehow incorporated into playing the game.
  • Relate the format and purpose of your game to the region in some way. Examples: The gameboard is in the shape of Africa, a matching game that matches countries to national flags, a puzzle of Asia that includes questions after it is put together ,and so on.
  • Write directions for your game that would make it perfectly clear how to play the game. Type the directions and glue them to the back cover of the file folder.
  • Make sure the content and difficulty of your game are appropriate for the area or region .
  • Use the rubric for this project to get the maximum points.


Social Studies Game Board Rubric   Name_____________________________

Name of Game _____________________Type of Game__________________



10 Points 8 Points 6 Points 4 Points 0-2 Points
Design and Creativity Everything is neatly created and directions were followed completely. Game board is excellent, but some parts are a little sloppy. Game board is complete  but one or two elements are missing and it could be neater. Most of the directions were ignored and the board is sloppy. There is a game board but it is not colored ,missing parts, incomplete, and no extra efforts were made at creativity.
Questions There are 20-25 questions and answers, and they are well incorporated into the game. A couple of questions or answers are missing or incorrect. Between 3-5 questions are missing or incorrect. Between 5-7 questions are missing or incorrect. Over 7  questions are missing or incorrect.
Format and Purpose The purpose of the game relates directly to the region/area  and the game board represents the themes.

An objective is written.

The purpose closely relates to the region/area and the game board somewhat represents the theme.  An objective is written. The purpose partially relates to the region/area and the game board doesn’t clearly represent a theme. The purpose slightly relates to the region/area but  does not represent a theme. It is unclear what the purpose and theme of the game are from the appearance.
Directions Directions make it perfectly clear how to play the game. They are neatly typed with minimal grammatical errors. All materials are provided. Directions are typed ut have two to three minor grammatical errors or a step to the game is missing.  All materials are provided. There are more than three errors. Part of the directions are unclear or incomplete. Directions are unclear or incomplete and it is difficult to play the game. Directions  or too many steps are missing. It is difficult to  understand how to  play the game.
Game Master Game Master explains the game thoroughly and understands the rules. The Game Master leads with confidence and is polite to all players. Game Master explains the game and understands the rules through the use of directions. Game Master may not be polite or lead with confidence. Game Master is unclear about how to play the game or does not understand all of the rules. The Game Master is not confident or polite.



May 2-6

We will begin our Five themes of Geography study on Norway

Monday: Passports ( Due on Friday)

Tuesday: Survey

Block Day/ Thursday

Five themes of Geography: Norway

Human/ Environment Interaction


Create our version of Faberge Eggs.

Friday: Passport Check

Begin our study on Sweden


April 25-29

We have a 4×4 schedule this week.

Monday: We will focus on our fifth theme: Human/Environment interaction

*Articles on the Chernobyl disaster and discuss the impact on Human/environment interaction


Key Vocabulary: Socialism, Communism, Capitalism

We will participate in an activity to understand each type of system.

Thursday and Friday:


We will listen to and read two Russian Fairy Tale





April 18-22

Students will learn about Eastern Europe through the five themes of geography.

1. Location  : Absolute and relative for the Russian Federation

2. Place

3. Region

4. Movement

5. Human/ Environment Interaction

Monday and Tuesday: Timeline Project

Thursday: Block Day

Activity: Movement : Trans-Siberian railroad

Students will view a video on the history of the railroad and we will have a class discussion.

Creating a map of the railroad


We will create a flag book based on the region we are studying.


Technology: Fill out your Passport on Russia and research for the flag project

Assessment: Completed passport

Completed flag project




April 11-15

Monday: Jigsaw Presentations


Flip Charts: We will fill out our five themes of geography on Russia

Students will look at historical and current maps of Russia and the surrounding areas

Students will begin the Map Project (DUE FRIDAY)

Thursday/ Friday

We will view a video : History of Russia

Complete a graphic organizer and collaborative discussion

Map Skills: Creating a map of Russian Federation and bordering countries


April 4-8

Monday :  Community Building Activity

Tuesday: Welcome new group to our study of Russia and Eastern Europe


Key Vocabulary: Place, location, region, movement, human/environment interaction, culture.

We will create graphic organizers for this unit of study. ( Flip charts)

Jigsaw Activity. We will use our textbook to read and discuss various regions in Eastern Europe. Collaborate groups will present their information to the entire class.

Friday: Continue Jigsaw activity



March 21-25

Social Studies Unit: Students will learn about Eastern Europe through the five themes of geography.

1. Location  : Absolute and relative for the Russian Federation

2. Place

3. Region

4. Movement

5. Human/ Environment Interaction

6. Culture

Monday: The history of Faberge Eggs – Creating an egg

Tuesday: Norway through the five themes of geography

Create a map of Norway ….Homework…Due on April 24th

Thursday: Continue Norway

Friday: Greenland

This will be the last week for this group of students…the students will rotate on April 4th to their next six week study of a a continental area of Eastern Europe.


Image result for how to say goodbye in russian



March 14-18


Monday: We will have a special speaker today who was adopted from Russia

Wednesday: Block Day

Social Studies Unit: Students will learn about Eastern Europe through the five themes of geography.

6. Culture: Activity:

Students will listen to a Russian Fairy Tale and create a thinking map ( flow map) of the story: Little Silver Hoof. Students will also read Red Bird in a collaborative group.

Friday: Block Day

Language Arts Testing





March 7-11

Due to testing  and schedules I have listed the objectives for the week.

History of Russia Timeline

: Key Vocabulary: Socialism, Communism, Capitalism

We will participate in an activity to understand each type of system.

We will focus on our fifth theme: Human/Environment interaction

Articles on the Chernobyl disaster and discuss the impact on Human/environment interaction


March 1 – 4

Map Project

Flag Project

History of Russia and timeline.


February  16-19

Group 2 / Mrs Kyle’s Social Studies Homeroom

This week will mark the beginning of Eastern Europe

Tuesday and Thursday: Introduction : Eastern Europe    Creating flip charts for the unit, reading an overview of the area that will be covered, and presenting to the class.

Friday: First Theme : Location  We will create a map using a rubric for our guide.



February 8-12

This will be our last week studying Eastern Europe. There will be a Unit test on Friday. They will receive a study guide to prepare for the test.

Presentations on Monday and Tuesday


Next week, my Social Studies class, will move on to learn about Africa.

Image result for how to say goodbye in russian




February 1 -5

We will travel to Norway, Sweden, Finland and Greenland in the next two weeks based on the five themes of geography.

Homework: Monday: Finish Norway Map using the rubric as a guide. Due on Tuesday


Image result for picture of norway


January  25-29

This will be our last week on the Russian Federation.

Monday”: Key Vocabulary: Socialism, Communism, Capitalism

We will participate in an activity to understand each type of system.

Tuesday: We will focus on our fifth theme: Human/Environment interaction

Articles on the Chernobyl disaster and discuss the impact on Human/environment interaction

Block Day: Culture: We will listen to and read two Russian Fairy Tales

We will learn about Faberge eggs


Friday: Culture: Activity: Art project                                Russian Billionaire Places Historic Faberge Eggs on Display, Saint ...



January  19-22

We will continue on our study of the Russian Federation. Students will do several comparisons on our culture, government and philosophies over the next few weeks.

January 11-15

Eastern Europe: Place

We will finish our background knowledge presentations, create a physical map of the area we will study, and learn about the history of the Russian Federation.



We are beginning second semester. This semester you will have the opportunity to learn about Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia. You will spend six week with each of the social studies teachers and then rotate until you have completed all three units of study. I am responsible for Eastern Europe and we will learn about this region using the five themes of geography.

Tuesday: Raffle and team building activities

Thursday: Introduction : Eastern Europe    Creating a flip chart and getting our Passport

Friday: First Theme : Place



November: Topic- Region and Thematic Maps


October : Students are working on a presentation project with a partner or alone. The theme we care concentrating on is: Place and each group has a landmark that they are researching. See Mrs Kyle’s link for more information




Please see Mrs. Kyle’s link for social studies information.

Our team is working together on planning and teaching the curriculum, which has resulted in the information being placed on her social studies link.



This year your Geography Curriculum will include…..

Geography skills: maps, tools, and technologies used to acquire, process, and report information.

Five Themes of Geography: Location,place, region, movement , and the interaction of people and the environment.

Eastern Hemisphere: As study of areas and countries.


August 17-21

Map Skills : Students will look at and create their own maps as they learn about the qualities of a good map.

Key Vocabulary: Map, direction, key, latitude, longitude, north south, east, west features, scale, chloropleth map.

Materials needed for class,

Pencils, a spiral notebook, loose notebook paper, dry erase marker.

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