8th Grade English

April 9-13
We will create a presentation on a call to action using the Holocaust as our inspiration
3 facts about the “terrible thing” that you are going to present
o One or more picture/photographs to illustrate it
o Locate a poem, song lyrics, or quote that connects with the event
o What we can learn from this
o Action(s ) can we (as students) take
Share their findings in a creative way, such as:
o A digital “story” with illustrations and text
o A picture book
o A newspaper article with photos and captions
o A “call to action” that describes the problem and one or more ways to address it.
o Group choice – let me know what other ideas that you might have
We will watch the Boy in the striped pajamas on block day ( time permitting)

April 2-6
Testing week
Students will write an essay on the theme of The Boy in Striped Pajamas ( Essay in Google classroom)
We will read and analyze Terrible Things
Key Vocabulary: Allegory

March 25-29
Objectives: We will analyze Literature Circle role descriptions
We will participate in a text based collaborative discussion using those roles
Discussion leader Diction Detective
Bridge Builder Reporter Artist

We will read, discuss and analyze through Chapter 20 this week
Students will complete double journal entries
AR test on Thursday –
Friday: Terrible Things ( Allegory)

Objectives: We will analyze Literature Circle role descriptions
We will participate in a text based collaborative discussion using those roles
Discussion leader Diction Detective
Bridge Builder Reporter Artist

We will read, discuss and analyze through Chapter 13 this week
Students will complete double journal entries

March 5 No School – Professional Development Day
March 6-9

Objectives: We will analyze Literature Circle role descriptions
We will participate in a text based collaborative discussion using those roles
Discussion leader Diction Detective
Bridge Builder Reporter Artist
Literature Circle Role check on Friday: 15 Points

We will read, discuss and analyze through Chapter 9 this week
Students will complete double journal entries


February 26 – March 3
Unit 3: Holocaust
Monday: Interpreting and discussing quotes: Springboard 177-178
Tuesday: Previewing Holocaust Narratives Springboard 179-180
Thursday: How to design and participate in a literature circle
Springboard: Page 181-182 Identifying roles
Begin Reading Novel: The Boy in Striped Pajama’s
Friday: Continue to read in small groups. Introduce Reading Journal
Objective: Students will present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, organization, development, and style appropriate to purpose , audience, and task.

Objective: Students will present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact , adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

MONDAY AND TUESDAY Students will continue to present this week. ( Monday- Tuesday- and possibly part of Thursday)
We will Unpack Unit 3: The Holocaust
Look at academic vocabulary, preview the unit, analyze embedded assessment 1 and be ready to start after Winter Break
Preview Holocaust books.


January 29- February 9
Objective: Students will present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, organization, development, and style appropriate to purpose , audience, and task.

Objective: Students will present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact , adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

Teams of students will decide on debatable issues,create teams, research, prepare, and present a debate.
Students will articulate ,justify , and clarify their position on a topic.

January 22-26
Objective: Students will understand how to participate in a Socratic seminar

Vocabulary: Socratic: adjective formed by the name of the philosopher Socrates – question and answer method for Monday/ Tuesday


Students will choose the top rule they disagree with and give reasons why. ( The Giver)
Activity: Fishbowl

Students will take turns participating in learning about this method.

Through the discourse- students will use the sentence frames that were passed out on Friday
Students will – as a group- come up with the top three that they disagree with.
Students will use the template on page 133
Thursday/ Friday
Objective: Students will write an argumentative essay in which they convince an audience to support a claim about a debatable idea.

Students will research, write an essay, and participate in a debate.


We will brainstorm some ideas on what the class would like to debate

Suggestions: ( Some examples to get started on “brainstorm”)

Peer pressure is more useful than harmful

The United States should allow mercy killing in all states.

Violent games make children violent.

Students will begin to form groups after they have decided on questions to research.

Go over format. Begin research

January 16-19
Objective: Students will use direct quotations and correct punctuation for effect

Students will be able to identify subject-verb agreement

Springboard: Page 119 Embedding quotes

Activity: Students will complete the practice section to learn how to embed quotes into writing.
Subject- Verb Agreement

Objective: Students will understand subject verb agreement:
Activity: definition – read an excerpt and find the subjects and verbs in each sentence
Springboard: Page 121
Subject/ verb agreement paper
Objective: Students will continue with subject/verb agreement.
Objectives: Students will evaluate specific rules and laws in a functional society and compare them to present society, referencing the text an notations from additional research and reading material.
Students will contribute analysis and evidence relating to this topic in a Socratic Seminar.
The Socratic Seminar with prepare for debate
Springboard: Pages 129-133
Read the Lorex to students : Topic: Banned books
2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018

>Week of December 11-15

The Giver: The pacing will be determined by the teacher and student ( flexible and fluid) Students will read, discuss, and answer comprehension questions for the text.



Compare and contrast explanatory writing: THIS IS DUE ON FRIDAY

Objectives: Students will analyze and explain how a writer uses the compare/contrasts tructure to communicate ideas.

Students will write a paragraph that demonstrates an ability to use compare/contrast organizational structure. Springboard page 105-111

Week of December  4-8


Unit 2 : The Challenge of Utopia

Unpacking the Unit

Students will finish a circle map on the contents in the unit

Students will look up academic vocabulary and write it in their notebook.


Read Chapter 1 in The Giver and answer questions using evidence. DUE TUES.


Read Chapters 2-4  Discuss whole group

Students will answer comprehension questions for Chapter 2  DUE WED.

Thursday:  The Giver  3-4

Reading and answering questions

Springboard – Comparing/ contrast  Page 106  Grand and Lee

Working on the structure of comparison text.

Friday: The Giver 5-6 With Questions


Week of November 27 – December 1

Monday- Tuesday  -Definition essay in Google Classroom DUE ON WEDNESDAY AT 7:30 am.

TUESDAY: Unit 2 introduction   Creating a QHT chart / Vocabulary

THURSDAY: Unit 2: Introduction Utopia

Springboard: Pages 106-111  Compare/Contrast Explanatory Essays

FRIDAY: Continue with Essay

Novel: The Giver ( students will receive a copy on loan)

Week of November 20-21

Monday: A definition of a Gentleman  Page 89 in Sprinboard

The importance of transitions and quotes.

Tuesday; Organizing the Definition essay   Page 92-94

Writing a thesis statement

Read over the break…

If your child reads at home he/she will be successful completing AR points. If you child is only reading during Prime , it will be difficult to accomplish this. I recommend an additional 30 minutes a day. Remember that this counts towards 10% of the English Grade and the grade is added during the  semester grading cycle.

Week of November 13-17


Objective: Students will compare and contrast two types of text ( poem and newspaper article)
In this paragraph you will compare and contrast the structure and language of both the poem and the article and analyze how this contributes to the meaning meaning of the text and the style the authors use.
Create a strong topic sentence
Consider : Tone, shifts in mood, nuances, connotation and theme.
Write an explanatory essay about a challenge you have faced in your life.
Included examples of specific things you did to overcome adversity.
Be sure to:
Create a strong topic sentence
Clearly explain the challenge you faced
Cite specific examples and experiences that helped you overcome your challenge.
Summarize the outcome in your last few sentences. What did you learn from the experience or how did you grow?
Block Day: Writing To Define

Objectives: Students will identify definition strategies of function, example, and negation.

Students will form an initial definition of heroism.  Springboard: Page 71-76

We will read Where I find my Heroes  and answer the after activities.’


Historical Hero Examples

Springboard: Page 77-79

Week of November 6-9

Monday:  Introduce: TP-CASTT strategy  to compare two pieces of literature:
Discuss poetry: A Man Using the TP-CASTT strategy.


Read and discuss Soldier home after losing his leg in AFGHANISTAN.
Objectives: Students will discuss audience and purpose. Students will write a thematic statement about heroism that connects the two texts that they read.

Thursday:  Test  TODAY on The Man and Key Vocabulary: connotation, denotation, mood, tone, nuance

Introduce Strategy: Free writing

Sponge: Students will free write about the topic of physical and mental challenges and their connection to heroism.

Objectives: Students will identify definition strategies of function, example, and negation.

Students will form an initial definition of heroism.

Key vocabulary: function Example negation ( 1.13) Page 61

Students will do online research  on a hero from history.


We will read Where I find my Heroes ( Pg. 64) and answer the after activities.

Friday: NO SCHOOL….Happy Veteran’s Day


Week of October 16-20

Monday: Reading Graphic Novels: Thinking about how to illustrate a narrative.

Springboard: Pages 43-52

Answer Questions 12-14 on page 53


Objective: Students will write the ending for their Hero’s Journey

Springboard Page 54

Revisit your hero narrative. What might your hero learn by the end of the  return stage in his/ her journey.

Write your ending remembering that they need to encounter the crossing/return threshold .


Make sure that you look at Stage 1, 2, and 3 of your Hero’s Journey

Thursday and Friday

Use the template on page 53 and write about the illustrator of a Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel ( sentence frames)


Students will create a plot diagram of their hero’s journey

Students will create a Graphic Novel for their Hero’s Journey Narrative It will need to have 8 to 15 frames.

Drawn and colored


Week of October 9-13

Students are working on their Hero’s Journey Narrative this week

Tuesday: Homework : Create a Plot diagram for The Odyssey

Wednesday: Homework due

Go over tips for writing a narrative

Friday:  30  Minutes to work on the Hero’s Journey

Pair Share reading with sentence starters for Readers Response


]Student’s will create a hero’s journey narrative incorporating the three stages into their story.



Springboard: Page 35 Wrinkle in Time

Objective:We will analyze a narrative for archetype and narrative techniques  Answer Pages 40-41


Monday: Students will identify the characterization of the protagonist that they are creating for their narrative
Students will have time to work on the exposition of the narrative they are writing
Tuesday – Thursday

Objective: Students will analyze an excerpt of an epic poem for archetype and narrative techniques.

Students will examine visual deceptions of an epic poem

Students will demonstrate understanding of these concepts by drafting and illustrating an event in a hero’s Road of Trials

Introduction: Google slides

Visual of Mt. Ainos ( You tube video)

Pair share reading: Students will write in the mood from each section.

Students will underline trials as they appear in the text.

Key Vocabulary:

Mood, tone, epic, initiation ( 2nd stage of Hero’s Journey)


Objective: Students will analyze an excerpt of an epic poem for archetype and narrative techniques.

Students will examine visual deceptions of an epic poem

Students will demonstrate understanding of these concepts by drafting and illustrating an event in a hero’s Road of Trials


Springboard: page 24-30


We will read and discuss the text.


Sponge: Think about the hero of the book you are reading outside of the class. ( independent reading). Describe the mental and physical strengths your book hero possess that will be important when facing challenges and obstacles.


Identify mood in for each heading:

We will reread the excerpt to answer text-dependent questions.

Answer questions 29-30 (work in groups of 4)

Fill out the character analysis of Odysseus ( page 31)

15 Minutes- Work independently on your Hero’s Journey Narrative – The exposition section should be done.


Objective: Students will analyze an excerpt of an epic poem for archetype and narrative techniques.

Students will examine visual deceptions of an epic poem

Students will demonstrate understanding of these concepts by drafting and illustrating an event in a hero’s Road of Trials

Watch : The Hobbit – Road of trials



Week of September 25-29

Monday: No School


Objective: Students will identify elements in a plot diagram.

Students will identify elements of The Hero’s Journey in a film

Activity: Graphic organizer

We will use the beginning of the movie, The Hobbit, to identify Stage 1 of the Hero’s Journey

Assessment: Turn in  Hero’s Journey graphic organizer

Activity: We will use The Drummer Boy of Shiloh to identify plot diagram. Setting character, conflict, point of view on page 22 Assessment: Turn in – summative

Block Day: Wed/Thursday

Objective: Students will brainstorm and begin to create their original hero and begin to draft a plot line

Activity: Springboard Page 23

Sketch out character, add characteristic traits. Sketch out the Exposition: Setting Characters

Conflicts: 1.2.and 3/ultimate boon

Point of View 1st or 3rd Person


Activity: Begin to write story on the Chrome Book


Should be developing the opening of your story ( exposition) It should be developed in three to five paragraphs.

You are setting up the story.


http://www.questgarden.com/135/83/2/111119144524/task.htm  LOOK AT FOR HERO’S JOURNEY


Week of September 18-22
 Monday and Tuesday

Objectives: We will analyze a story for archetypal structure and narrative techniquesWe will draft the opening of an original Hero’s Journey narrativeRead: The Drummer Boy of Shiloh
Activity: As we read we will think about the stages of a Hero’s Journey: Stage Departure .

Second read with a partner and answer questions 1-7


Google Classroom – answer  8 and 9

Fill in graphic organizer on page 22.

Introduction of Hero’ Narrative


Week of September 11-15

Monday: Continue to analyze Ithaka

Tuesday/Wednesday: Comprehension questions Springboard 13-15

Writing to Sources: Explanatory Text

Write a short summary explaining what you think Cavafy means by the first three lines in the opening stanza in “Ithaka”

Use a clear topic sentence, details to support your claim, quotes, identify mood, identify theme, use transition words. DUE ON WEDNESDAY

Key vocabulary Introduced

Introduction to The Drummer Boy of Shiloh

Springboard: Pages 16-23






Tuesday and Thursday:

We will write an essay using the Hero’s Journey Format for the movie Big Hero 6

Essay will be in google classroom : 8th  Grade Code for Google Classroom Code: d43uyz

Introduction of Ithaka – Creating a non-linguistic representation for the poem


Objective: We will analyze the imagery in a poem to understand how it reveals an idea or theme.

Gallery Walk: Looking at imagery that has been created.

Analysis of the poem using meta-cognitive markers


Week of August 28- September 1

The Hero’s Journey

Due to testing last week we did not complete the objectives and will complete them this week.

MONDAY: Students will analyze how a film uses the Hero’s Journey to structure its plot.
Students will be able to identify the stages of the Hero’s Journey within a film.
Key vocabulary:
Archetype: A characters symbol, story pattern, or other element that is common to human experience across cultures.
The “archetype of the Hero’s Journey describes a plot pattern that shows the development of the hero.
Discovered by Joseph Campbell
Most journeys have three parts: Departure , Initiation, Return
TUESDAY Create a Hero’s Journey Wheel
Review stages on page 8 and 9
Block Day  Thursday:  We will watch Big Hero 6 and fill out graphic organizer identifying each stage.

Friday: Collaborate and compare stages of the Hero’s Journey for the movie Big Hero 6.

Google Classroom : Writing an essay summarizing the information.


Week of August 21 – 25
Objective: Students will analyze quotes and identify connections between the concepts of challenges and heroism.
Vocabulary: challenge , heroism
Activity: Read and discuss  quotes and represent it in a non-linguistic representation.


Activity: Presentation of quotes an non-linguistic representation.
Assessment: Elements of each presentation.
1. Everyone participates
2. Fluently read the quote and explain the meaning
3. Provide Specific examples
4. Explain category and reason  Obstacle/ difficult task or opportunity
Explain how the quote connects to the concept of heroism.

Don’t Forget

Image result for back to school night


Block Day: ( Wed or Thursday)


Students will analyze how a film uses the Hero’s Journey to structure its plot.
Students will be able to identify the stages of the Hero’s Journey within a film.
Key vocabulary:
Archetype: A characters symbol, story pattern, or other element that is common to human experience across cultures.
The “archetype of the Hero’s Journey describes a plot pattern that shows the development of the hero.
Discovered by Joseph Campbell
Most journeys have three parts: Departure , Initiation, Return
Create a Hero’s Journey Wheel
Review stages on page 8 and 9
Begin watching Big Hero 6 and fill out graphic organizer identifying each stage.


 Continue watching Big Hero 6 and filling  out graphic organizer identifying each stage.







Image result for apple gifWelcome to the 2017-2018 school year

Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year.
We will send the first week participating in team building activities and introducing the curriculum. Some of the students had me for 7th grade English and are more familiar with  the classroom expectations and procedures.

Supplies: Spiral Notebook , head phones, pencils/pens
Make sure that you return the technology contract as soon as possible. This is needed before chromebooks can be released . The 8th grade students will be able to get their chromebook by the end of Week one if all goes well.

I am looking forward to an excellent school year.




May 22-26

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday: Creating a call to action website

You will use this site to create your webpage: https://get.weebly.com
You will choose an issue that is of interest to you ( local or global)

Research the issue
Your website should use pathos , logos, and ethos to persuade your audience to care
Investigate what others are doing about your issue
Create a webpage with the issue, possible solutions, a logo, slogan, mission statement, and any other information that you find beneficial to your call to action.
You will need to include your references
You will share this media with the class and show examples of how you used pathos, logos and ethos in your presentation.

Friday: Presentations


May 15-19

Monday:Finish Projects

Tuesday: Springboard page 217-220

Wednesday: Activity 3.17 is due  Springboard pages 221-226

Key vocabulary : multi, media, multi-media, slogan, mission statement , evaluate, pathos, logos, ethos


Friday:   Vocabulary Quiz today


May 8-12

Monday /Tuesday

Work on the project


Presentation Day


Objective: Students will create a multi-media presentation on a call to action that is relevant for their age group. They will research, create, and analyze materials for this project.

Collaboration project:

Pt 1: Google Slides

5 facts about terrible things

One picture/shot to illustrate it

Locate a poem, song lyric or quote connected to the event

What can we learn from this time in history

What Action(s) can we take ” call to action”

Share findings in a creative way:

A digital story with illustrations and text

picture book

newspaper article with photos and captions.

A “call to action” that describes the problem and one or more ways to address it.

Group Choice:

Assessment: Finished presentation.

Monday Page 214

Students will answer the following

What is the issue or problem the student wanted to do something about/

Why did the student care about the issue?

How did the student make a difference?


May 1-5

Map Testing


April 24-28


Objective: Students will analyze and discuss an interview of a Holocaust survivor.

Students will analyze how dialogue is used in a play to develop character or plot and to reveal theme.

Students will analyze an excerpt of a Holocaust narrative and prepare talking points to present in a panal discussion.

Activity 1: We will watch an interview from a Holocaust survivor.



Springboard: 3.10  3.11   3.12

Activity  Students will work in groups to present an excerpt.

Key Vocabulary: Theme

Assessment: Completed Before, during, and after activities.


Springboard: 3.10  3.11   3.12

Activity  Students will work in groups to present an excerpt.

Key Vocabulary: Theme

Assessment: Completed Before, during, and after activities.


Students will practice for their presentation, turn in their completed work and present to the class.

Friday: Students will read an article about the Berlin wall coming down and complete comprehension questions.


April 17-21




April 10-14

Current events this wee for anyone who has not gone

Each group is continuing to work in their literature Groups

Prepare excerpts for a presentation

Presentation on Thursday.

Take AR test on Wednesday for the book that your group is reading.



April 3-7

Monday: Current events for Kyle, Tyler R., Luis, Ryan, and Jesse

Each group will give a summary of the novel that they are reading

Work in Literature Groups ( roles and setting reading goal for Wed)

Tuesday: ELA Testing Pt 1

Wednesday: Literature Groups Current events for Tesslyn, Meadow, Tyler S., Maggie

Thursday: Literature Groups    Current events for Nate, Brittney

Friday: Testing ELA Pt 2


March 27-31  CRT Testing in ELA this week

Monday- Wednesday

FRIDAY: Meet with your Book club and share with each other in your assigned role. A grade will be given today for completion.




March 20-24

Monday: Literature previews/ Choosing books on the Holocaust to read in literature groups

Tuesday: Literature Group roles   Page 163 and 164  Forming our groups

Wednesday: We will begin reading in groups together and fulfill our literature group role. We will be graded on this at the end of the week.

Friday: Literature Circles / Continue to read and discuss





March 6-10

Monday: Springboard Page 115-118  Banned Books Week

Vocabulary:1st Amendment

Intellectual Freedom: The freedom to access information and express ideas -even if not popular.

Learning how to participate in a Socratic Seminar

Introducing and Modeling the strategy: Fishbowl

Tuesday: Block day NO CLASS


Springboard : Page 114

Choosing mood

Thursday: We will read and discuss the Lorax ( Banned in 1971 in some states)

Friday: Springboard Pg. 118

Students will use sentence starters for their questions and participate in a fishbowl strategy




February/ March  27-3

Unit 2 Lesson:  Utopian Ideas and Dystopian Reality
OBJECTIVE:  Students will be able to identify and explain the  differences between dystopia and utopia.
                      Students will use direct quotations and correct punctuation ( grammar)
                       Students will read Harrison Bergeron and analyze the relationship between character and theme.
KEY VOCABULARY: Utopia and  dystopia
ACTIVITY:   Springboard  Page 100-105
Friday: Test on Harrison Bergeron


February 20-24  BREAK …NO SCHOOL


February 13-17

We will finish taking the Unit Test due to school closing on Friday

Tuesday: Writing a paragraph on a symbol from The Giver in Google Classroom. Discussion of the Heroes Journey and how it unfolds in the novel.  ( Project extension to Wed)

Wednesday: Projects are due

Gallery Walk

We will watch the movie; The Giver.

Friday: We will finish watching the movie.


February  6-10

We will continue to read, discuss, and analyze The Giver

Students will take an AR test and a Unit test on Friday.

PROJECT PAPER GIVEN: Project due on February 14th


January/February 30-3

We will continue to read, discuss and analyze The Giver

Chapter summaries are due on Wednesday and Friday.

The Giver vocabulary discussion, worksheet, dictionary skills and test.


February 13-17

We will finish taking the Unit Test due to school closing on Friday

Tuesday: Writing a paragraph on a symbol from The Giver in Google Classroom. Discussion of the Heroes Journey and how it unfolds in the novel.  ( Project extension to Wed)

Wednesday: Projects are due

Gallery Walk

We will watch the movie; The Giver.

Friday: We will finish watching the movie.


February  6-10

We will continue to read, discuss, and analyze The Giver

Students will take an AR test and a Unit test on Friday.

PROJECT PAPER GIVEN: Project due on February 14th


January/February 30-3

We will continue to read, discuss and analyze The Giver

Chapter summaries are due on Wednesday and Friday.

The Giver vocabulary discussion, worksheet, dictionary skills and test.



January 23-27

Monday: Snow Day….

Tuesday: Create Google Slide Presentation ( Problems/Solutions to create a better society)

Homework: Read 9-11 and write summaries

Wednesday:  Google slide presentations, hero’s journey outline is begun for The Giver, Chapter 10 is read and discussed in class, worksheet on milestones from Giver packet.

Homework: Read 12-13 and write summaries

Friday: Quiz on Chapters 9-13  Students may use their summaries for this quiz.




We are reading The Giver

Students are responsible to write a summary for each chapter.

By Friday students should have read through Chapter 8 and written a summary for each chapter.

This Week:

Tues: Quiz on Chapters 1-3

Wed. Discussion on Utopia or Dystopia. What makes a perfect Utopian Society?

Thursday and Friday

Collaborative Groups: Packet: Creating a Utopian Society

Friday: Vocabulary test





Study Guide

First Semester Exam

8th Grade English Language Arts

  1. Reread and review your notes for the following excerpts or poems
  1. The Drummer Boy
  2. A Man
  3. Where I find my hero’s
  4. Odyssey
  5. Frederick Douglas
  6. A Definition of a Gentleman
  7. Oh Captain, My Captain
  8. White House Funeral Sermon
  1. Understand and identify each stage in the hero’s journey
  2.  Vocabulary

Word                                                  Definition

. point of view
 1st person
 3rd person
  1. Understand what a theme is and how to identify it in literature
  2. Be able to identify the elements of a plot diagram.



This Week


Negation Strategy of definition:

Objectives We will examine and analyze examples of the negation strategy of defintion. We will apply the negation stategy to a new topic.

Springboard: Page 78  Before reading activity

During Reading: Highlight all of the examples of negation. Watch for the words never as a cue to examples.

After reading: Answer 4 and

Expository writing prompt : Write about what heroism is not. Use the negation strategy to distinguish what heroism is from what is it not.

Topic sentence, detail commentary, transitions for coherence.


Objective: Students will identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the elements of a definition essay.

Students will begin their draft and outline ideas of the essay.

We will identify each part of the essay and work in a group to design sentences for an introduction and thesis statement.





Page 86:  Expository writing prompt: Outline

Introduction, body paragraph, body paragraph, conclusion.

Rubric: Page 88



Objective: Students will identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the elements of a definition essay.

Students will begin their draft and outline ideas of the essay.

We will identify each part of the essay and work in a group to design sentences for an introduction and thesis statement.


Page 86:  Expository writing prompt: Outline

Introduction, body paragraph, body paragraph, conclusion.

Rubric: Page 88


December 5-9


November 21-23

Students will read their completed narratives to small groups for the purpose of reflecting on their writing, sharing their work in a writing group , and creating a plan for writing improvements for future narratives.

1/2 Day on Wed.

No School on Thursday and Friday

Happy Thanksgiving.

Slate has an informative ditty about how turkey suppliers meet huge ...



November 14-18

We were not able to get to Springboard 56- 58 and will complete this on Monday and Tuesday

Monday: Introduce: TP-CASTT strategy  to compare two pieces of literature:

Discuss poetry: A Man Using the TP-CASTT strategy.


Read and discuss Soldier home after losing his leg in AFGHANISTAN.

Objectives: Students will discuss audience and purpose. Students will write a tehmatic statement about heroism that connects the two texts that they read.


Introduce Strategy: Free writing

Sponge: Students will free write about the topic of physical and mental challenges and their connection to heroism.

Objectives: Students will identify definition strategies of function, example, and negation.

Students will form an initial definition of heroism.

Key vocabulary: function Example negation ( 1.13) Page 61

Students will get a library book on a hero from history. ( LIBRARY VISIT) This research will be used for an essay.


We will read Where I find my Heroes ( Pg. 64) and answer the after activities.


Students will practice free writing and write on the following topic

Think about another concept such as family , politeness, determination and draft a paragraph of definition that establishes the FUNCTION of the concept you have chosen. You are writing a function free write essay.



November 7-11


springboard 52-55


Key Vocabulary: Tone, Diction, denotation, connotation, nuance,

Introduce: TP-CASTT strategy  to compare two pieces of literature:

Wednesday: Springboard 56

Discuss poetry: A Man Using the TP-CASTT strategy.

Thursday : Springboard 58

Discussing an article: Soldier home after losing his leg in Afghanistan using TP-CASTT strategy.


October 31-November 4

Students are spending this week brainstorming, planning, writing, and editing a Hero’s Journey Narrative.



Previewing Embedded Assessment 2 and revisiting vocabulary

Springboard Page 51


October 10-14


We will get into collaborative groups of four to read and discuss The Odyssey. We will focus on mood and characterization.

The Red Kayak


Wednesday – Friday

We will read and analyze the initiation section of a Hero’s Journey through reading The odyssey.

We will understand the difference between mood and tone and track the mood through the chunks of the epic poem.

We will fill out the graphic organizer on page 29 and Complete the After reading Activities

We will create a plot map of the events and a visual representation of one event from the story.

Writing Prompt:

Think about the hero you created in the previous activity. What might the hero experience in the Initiation Stage of his or her journey? Draft an event using your understanding of the Road of Trials to guide your structure and development.

Visualize a key moment in the event. Revisit visual techniques and use that information to capture the imagery that you want to emphasize to the reader.




October 3-7

Monday: We will read Chapters 8-10 in The Red Kayak and answer comprehension questions.

Key vocabulary: dinghy, nostalgia, droning, compatible, salvageable

HOMEWORK: Chapter 11-12


We will read Chapters 13-15 and answer comprehension questions.


We will work in pairs to create a representation of a designated chapter. We will also continue to fill out our plot diagram.

Friday: Quiz on Chapters 8-12


September 26-30

Monday: Pass out Red Kayak by Priscilla Cummings

Students will work in pairs and read to page 20 (Chapters 1,2,3)

Students will write a summary of each Chapter

Tuesday: Key vocabulary introduced and discussed

Plot Map – Exposition discussed

Read Chapter 4

HOMEWORK: Answer questions on Chapter 1 and 2


Collect Homework

Comprehension Questions:

Chapter 4 (pages 21- 28)

  1. How did Brady’s mom react to Amanda’s death? Do you think what she did was a good or bad thing? Why?
  2. What two memories does Brady recall while searching for Ben? What do these memories tell you about Brady?

Use complete sentences and turn the questions into statements

Read Chapter 5 and continue to write a short summary of the chapter

Continue to fill in the Plot Map

Springboard: Page 27 Beginning to create an outline for our HERO STORY

HOMEWORK : Read Chapter 6 and 7

Thursday: Block…no class

Friday:  Comprehension questions on Chapters 6 and 7

Review the Initiation Page 28  Before reading activities: Page 28




September 19-23

Monday: The Drummer Boy of Shiloh – Meta-cognitive markers

Tuesday: The Drummer Boy of Shiloh – Discussion groups with collaborative projects ( Jig Saw)

Wednesday: The Drummer Boy of Shiloh – Whole group sharing of collaboration projects  and identifying the theme of the story.

Review for test on The Drummer Boy

Thursday: Block day NO CLASS
Friday: Test on The Drummer Boy


September 12-16



WEDNESDAY: LATE START DAY: We will review the Departure phase of A Hero’s Journey and take a closer look at the first stage through a short story; The Drummer Boy of Shiloh  ( Springboard 20-26)



Drummer Boy of Shiloh continued


Verb Tense

Drummer Boy of Shiloh continued


This week: Using a familiar story to identify the elements of a hero’s journey ( Springboard pg 18-19)


September  6-9

Tuesday: Review Hero’s Journey and focus on the first section. The departure

Comic Book Hero’s ( Graphic Organizer)

Review: Plot Structure

Quiz on BLOCK DAY: We will have a quiz on the materials that we have covered in class.

Key vocabulary heroism, hero, obstacle, point of view.

Concepts: visual techniques, imagery, paraphrasing quotes

Wednesday: Attributes of a hero

Writing:MOVED FROM LAST WEEK Essay: Students will write an essay that gives background information on their hero and why he/she is their hero. They will think about the journey and/or quest of a hero and identify that attribute in the hero that they picked for the essay. The last part of the essay will be to compare/contrast their hero to a hero from literature, a movie, or TV program.

This essay is a work in progress and the final copy will be due in a few weeks.

Friday: We will identify the elements of a hero’s journey in the section of Departure: Finish watching the opening of The Hobbit




Students and parents….if you want to get updates about projects and homework  text @bhfk3 to the number 81010

They’ll receive a welcome text from Remind.
If anyone has trouble with 81010, they can try texting @bhfk3 to (775) 241-4451.


August 29- September 2

Modified Schedule due to testing….

Monday: We will continue to look at how visual elements are used in film using key vocabulary and  discussion.

Tuesday- Friday


Students will be able to identify the attributes of an archetype and identify the model that is represented through literature. We will go over the “big picture” of the hero’s journey and concentrate on the first three parts. Students will identify the hero’s journey through literature and film.


August 22-27

Monday: Finish working on quote presentations

Elements: read quote and explain the meaning, describe visual image, explain the category, and explain how the quote connects to the concept of heroism.


Activity: Springboard Book  (SB) page 8-10

Reading, marking text for imagery, analyzing how the author uses imagery

Wednesday: Writing


Writing Prompt

Think about the opening of A Wrinkle in Time. You are going to write it from a different point of view ( look back at your definition). It is written in a 1st/3rd point of view and needs to be changed to a 1st/3rd point of view.

Add more imagery to strengthen the description

Add more details


Friday: How and why do films use visual techniques.